Houzz: Built for You

Houzz brought us on-board to help create a video to support the launch of their new Houzz Pro product suite.

Launching Houzz’s newest product with a video that put stories, not features, first.

Houzz was developing their launch strategy for their all new Houzz Pro platform. It was a centerpiece offering to the thousands of home professionals who rely on Houzz for everything from Marketing to Billing. And as part of this major push, they knew they would need a hero video to launch the product. They came to King Toledo to see how we could help.

Our pitch gelled with their vision: the video couldn’t just be a run-down of the offerings and tools. It needed to tell a story that created a connection to the target audience: professional home designers, builders and the like.

The project was a huge success, and became a bedrock video for Houzz. It’s been a success in terms of views and the product launch. However, the best we got was from their team leader on this project: “Thank you for making our team look good! “